This simple module helps to developing drupal modules. It depens on Devel module on Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 and 9.
Install as usual
Using it:
- fz_t(variable) - it writes out the value of variable or expression and the calling stack;
- fz_test($a,$b) - Output with drupal_set_message
- fz_test($a,$b, true) - Output with echo ""
- fz_t($a) - Short verison of fz_test($a,null,true)
- fz_q($a) - print a query with fz_t() function
- fz_time($a) - time testing
- fz_mem($a, $simple=false) - memory testing
- fz_die($s) - write out the value of variable after die();
Drupal 7 version: fz_test-7.x-1.0.zip
Drupal 8/9 version: fz_test-8.x-1.0-dev.zip