The Songbook module is a Drupal 7/8/9/10 contrib module.
Drupal 9 moduel is under constructon.
You can show a Chordpro format file. The syntax of chordpro is here.
Drupal 7 version: fz_songbook-7.x-1.4.zip, fz_songbook-7.x-1.4.tar.gz
Install module
- Download it and copy into folder where are the other contribute modules.
- Enable in the admin/modules
- admin/config/content/formats/full_htm enable the checkbox of FZ songbook filter.
- Check the content filter in admin/config/content/formats/
If the taxonomy module is installed the installer makes a new taxonomy vocabulary named fz_songbook_vocabulary
Using Module
admin/config/fz/fz_songbook - You can change the default formats of songbook text. The default settings are similar the settings of Windows version. The default settings are in the fz_songbook.css file.
When make a new page you can use the syntax:
In this case the filepath is a songbook file, tipically its extension is .pro. The path is relative from the public file system of Drupal.
(Later maybe i will change)
Chord pro format text / and chords áre here...
In this case between the open and close "tag" will the songbook format txt....